Following your heart can put you back on the right path.
Your heart will always be your leader
We are all on our own road and make our own decisions that lead us to where we are today. Some days it feels like nothing has changed and then there are those days where you feel like your whole world has changed.
We are all so lucky to be where we are today, no matter how good or bad that day is, we are lucky.
Every day I wake up I focus on how lucky I am. I have one of the luckiest things that happen in life and that is my daughter. She is just a baby right now and she is the biggest reminder I have to see how lucky I am every day.
Some days it is hard to “see” how lucky you are. You have the choice every day on how you look at your life. You can choose to see the negative or you can choose to see the positive. Choose to let go and accept where you are today. Adapt. Evolve. Express.
Life is too short to worry about the past or worry about the future. Being here and now. Today. Focusing on what your heart is trying to tell you and let go of your mind. Expressing the negative in positive ways to find what your heart is trying to tell you.