In the mist of Chaos, I am Thankful.

Chaos is beautiful.



Behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.

The formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.


How do you react in the mist of Chaos?  Are there options on how to react?  Or should you just not react and just surrender to the formless matter that is creating a new universe for you?  Are you ready for what is to come?  Can you be ready for what is to come? Do you think you decide when you are ready?  Or does the Universe?

I am sure we all can relate to different forms of chaos and we all react differently. I have learned to respect, love and be thankful for everything that happens in life.

I try my best to let go, surrender and adapt to the chaos and be thankful.

Learning to fly.

We are all here to learn how to fly. Risk. Jump. Go for it.

But how am I supposed to jump when I feel….

Synonyms of Chaos

chance-medley, confusion, disarrangement, disarray, dishevelment, disorder,disorderedness, disorderliness, disorganization, free-for-all, havoc, heck, hell,jumble, mare’s nest, mess, messiness, misorder, muddle, muss, shambles, snake pit, tumble, welter


In these moments we know that life is about to change.

Only the strongest survive.