Ventura, CA

————————————> Ventura, CA

Being a road warrior it always takes time to find great hotels and AirBnB’s.  With so many options for searching on the internet, you never know what you are going to get.  But most of the time, there are little moments like this that make you pause and happy with your choice.


There was gardens everywhere at the Garden hotel, it was so peaceful to walk the dogs everyday through the gardens and the cottages.  As you pass by you pause, and for a moment you see future moments and reasons for you to come back with more friends.

We also checked out this bar in downtown Ventura, CA that was in an old frat house!? They had different rooms that you walk through and it looks like a frat house from the college days.

This bookshelf made us pause and take a look at where we are and what the hell we are actually doing.  It was one of those moments when we look at each other and go “can you believe we are actually doing this right now?”


Working on the road and living on the road can have it’s glories and it’s challenges.  You are not only working as a Digital Nomad, but you are learning to live and adapt.  This makes the soul move and grow.  Just pause and let it sink in.



Gardens Hotel
Ventura, CA

