#DigitalNomad #AlliesDesigns

Starting the new year has been busier than ever.  Lots of new goals and new connections to keep growing and challenging myself.  Working as a Digital Nomad you are always looking for the next opportunity.  Keeping your eyes and mind open, you can put yourself in the right place at the right time.

Working in one of my favorite placing in Minnesota, Breezy Point has always been a dream.  It is amazing how happy I am in a place that I have been going to since I was born.  Every time I visit, that feeling never goes away.  No matter if it is in the middle of dead winter.


One of my favorite places on earth #BreezyPoint #Minnesota #RoadtripToElsewhere #AlliesDesigns



#DigitalNomad #RoadtripToElsewhere #AlliesDesigns #BreezyPoint #Minnesota

Dockside Bar and Grill
Phone: 218-562-7170
9252 Breezy Point Drive, Breezy Point, MN 56472