Stripping down #Vegas

————————————> Las Vegas, NV

A girl has got to say it, What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


alliesdesigns  #LasVegas   #Memories  #RoadtriptoElsewhere


alliesdesigns #LasVegas

Walking down the vegas strip is exactly how it is in the movies.  It is a classic movie scene that is full of people from all around the planet.  The best part of Vegas is the unexpected.  You are bound to go and lose yourself and time itself. Welcome to an adult play land that never closes.


alliesdesigns #CaesarsPalace


alliesdesigns  Learning to fly.

One of the best things about Vegas is the people.  There are people from all around this world that are all there to play or work or both?  People from every country, from every age for every reason.  There is always a reason to go to Vegas.


Let your hopes and fears be known. — with Dennis Patrick Brannon.

When on the road you hit those moments when time stops.  This was one of them.  Taking a deep breath and taking it all in, being right here.  Right now.