Travel day on the road

Traveling across the USA

Riding out of the midwest into the Rocky Mountains is a long haul.  You have to have the strength to enjoy the ride and get through the midwest flat fields to the Mountain valleys of Colorado.  After a long day on the road into the late night, we wake up to feel the energy of the mountains to get us through another long travel day on the road.





That feeling you get when you see the mountains in the distance

#RoadtriptoElsewhere #Travel #Colorado #DigitalNomad

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Riding along the mountains #RoadtriptoElsewhere #Colorado #DigitalNomad

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Traveling with Dogs and Little Nomad

Being Road Warriors is a title that you have to earn.  Traveling on the road across the country with the two dogs and little lady, there are a lot of needs that have to be met.

Rules on the Roadtrip

  1. No expectations
  2. Go with the flow
  3. Take breaks, walk, experience elsewhere
  4.  Get back on the road. Keep going!
  5. Enjoy the ride


Know your Limits

Not only do you need to be paying attention to the speed limits, you also need to be taking care of your own limits.

Hydrate, Eat, Take Breaks, Walk, Experience


Mind the Weather

Wind, Rain, Snow, Heat, the list goes on… Weather is a big factor in your safety on the road and should be the number one priority on how your day is going to go.  Making little plans is good, I always like having options verses plans. Taking a quick look at the weather, then come up with options as you are on the road.


Listen to the Music

One of the best parts of a roadtrip and traveling all day is the music playlist that goes with the views. Make sure you are ready to search all the roadtrip playlists, to checking out some old tunes with memories that last a lifetime.  I also like to search the radio for anything local that comes up without too many commercial breaks.

But then there comes the time when you lose your signal.

In the middle of no where you will have no signal. period.  No signal means, no music.  This is the perfect opportunity to try out satellite radio and get the good vibrations playing again. Although, driving in silence is also soothing!

Day turns into Night on the Road

As the sun goes down and the day has been long, you are approaching your destination and getting closer to calling it a night. That last hour, minute or even seconds, become so long that you cannot wait to get out of the Jeep.  Emotions get tested after a long day on the road and everyone has had enough. These are some of the experiences that get you the title “Road Warrior”.

End the day strong and get ready to work hard tomorrow.