Only the strongest survive.


Only the strongest survive.

What does it mean when they say “only the strongest will survive?”

It is natural that the fittest becomes the strongest survivor. It is Nature’s way of choosing the best. On this principle Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is based.

All the plants won’t grow equally. 

Life since its origin on this planet has undergone a humongous change. From unicellular organisms like amoeba to a very complex organism like the human being. In between, there have been thousands (perhaps millions) of varied forms some of which have survived (cockroach is one of the strongest) while most others have become extinct.

What allows an organism to survive. Its adaptability which comes from resilience. How well can we cope with our environment, how dexterous are factors that mattered for a long time? With human beings, the ability to think (intelligence) came as a major advantage and we are able to survive. We are strong not physically, but mentally, therefore we have been able to survive.

You can find more opinions, facts, thoughts, ideas here:

WHY the strongest survive.

Other humans often ask… “HOW DO YOU DO IT?”  It is not how, it is WHY.

There is something more than money that gets people out of bed every day.  Right!? There better be.

No matter what you do, why you do it, should mean so much more.  Your work should be fueled from your soul.

Find the true meaning of your work.

Sometimes what we do is not up to us.  Finding what you are meant to do is a journey of discovery and one of the most important adventures you will ever take.  Hopefully it is an adventure that never stops surprising you and challenging you.

Connecting to my work has made me strong and has made me survive.

If I did not have a strong connection to my work and the people I work with, I do not think I would have made it this far.  Right now the world seems crazier than ever and it brings you to a time where if you do not adapt, evolve and change, you will not survive.