The key to my heart goes deeper than time


The key to my heart goes deeper than time.

Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder Or Does It Make You Forget?

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely.” – Charles M. Schulz


Meaning of “Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

It means that when a person is absent for a longer period, you wish meeting him or her very much. It also means that you miss the person if they are far from you. You realize how much you love that person, and the desire to see them often increases.

Does absence make a man’s heart grow fonder?

Absence makes a man’s heart grow fonderAbsence does make the heart grow fonder – but only if it is a man’s. … Among men, the longer they had been apart, the more attractive and desirable they thought their partners to be. “They aren’t aware of it,” Dr Shackleford told the British magazine New Scientist.


Find the key to your own heart.

There are classic, traditional love stories we have all heard.  But what about the love story about finding the key to your own heart?

I am on a journey, on my own road, to connect, grow, learn, evolve and love the best way I know how through everything around me. Through Everyone. This is not the classic, comfortable, they will live happily ever after.  This is something more. I don’t want the story to end. Ever. I do not want to know what happens next. I do not want to plan for the future.  The future is now. Here. Today.

The minute I know how the story ends, I bail.

This life isn’t about finding just one key for me.  It is about finding every door I can open. I believe that you should love everyone and have a human to human connection that is soulful, inspirational and can make you grow.

Strong connections will always come back. Remember that.

I hold you tight because I do not want to let you go.

Those that we love unconditionally, we support.  No matter what.  I want a love that goes deeper than time.  So, I let you go.

Finding the keys to their heart, in different past times.

I will see you in my dreams.